Saturday, January 28, 2012

Be My Valentine

One Day For Love, Valentine's Day

You can find all these expressions of love in Marshmellow Softness and Rock Hard Taffy.

With a birthday recently that puts my age closer to 60, the view of love is not as casual.  Sure, it is still emotional but not as binding as before.  Love is ageless, I think.  I mean we can experience love at any point of our lives.  Generally it seems we put on rose colored glasses that are sure to break with all that sunshiney glare of love.

Presented here are a few love poems that are examples of the contents of my above mentioned book.  My granny said, love is what you make it, however I have come to experience love as a 2-way street.  It takes the energy of more than one to be sustained.  And in my wisdom I have learned that sometimes love is seasonal.  And I can live with that while preparing for another love.

For T

I humble myself
before you
laugh and cry
and show you me
without fear or shame.
(comment - the ideal love is open and trusting)

Making Love

When we make love
all time stops.
There is no time,
no day,
no night,
no in-between time.
Colors sway, and blend into
a whirliwig,
when we make love.

When we make love
there is a blur of arms and legs
and fingers and toes
and lips and tongues
and kisses that unite,
when we make love.

When we make love
there is no you
or me,
one we become
when we make love.
(comment - describes the romance and fantasy of loving, sexual pleasure)

Say It

Say you love me,
mean it now, for this moment,
for moments passed
without love
for all the times
I've ached inside
to be in someone's arms.

Say you love me
even it it's only
when we make love
(comment - the modern day answer confuses love with sexual desires)

Disjointed Thoughts

Loving you
isn't always
but I know
our friendship
will never let us part.
Me loving you for what you are
I wind up disappointed  ...
Loving you
isn't always wonderful
there is no one else
I would rather love.
(comment - describes a seasoned, long term love)

AT almost 60 years of age, I remain open to the emotional charge generated by love.  To that end I will read original poetry themed Romance at the Art Gallery located at 2140 W. Fulton on February 11th, Saturday in Chicago, IL.  Program begins at 7:00pm.  $20 donation to charity.

*All poems in this blog are (c) 20ll by Joyce Marie Jones and may be found    Marshmellow Softness and Rock Hard Taffy      via my website or your local bookstore.